Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm Alive

Barely. It took four days to get over whatever ugly bug decided to take up residence in my digestive system. Bright side: 3.5 pound weight loss. Down side: I've never been that sick. Ever. But I'm better. Thank goodness.

Now I have out of town company, so not much time to post. Gladys was in fine form this week, so I'll be back soon. In the meantime, here's my TGIF foto fun. Late, as usual. This is what I look like upon finishing the hardest marathon I've ever run, which isn't unlike how I look after four days of gastric distress. Not. Good.


Alisa said...

Poor thing...glad it is out of your system!

Sarah said...

Sorry you've been sick - now it's my turn. And I like that picture! Look how great your arms are!

carrie said...

Sarah, I just love you! Sorry you're a sickie...get well soon.

P.O.M. said...

That sounds les mis. Glad you're back and alive.

Laura said...

Welcome back! I had that nasty bug for a while too, but I realized that I ate a peanut butter Larabar a few days before (this was when they were still saying Larabars were fine to eat), so now I'm wondering if it might have been salmonella? Who knows.

Anonymous said...

you actually have more color in that pic than you did during your tummy bug!