Friday, July 10, 2009

TGIF Photo Friday

Apparently a really important piece of equipment our maintenance man calls the "poop pump" has broken down. All I know is that it smells like shit in here. My eyes are watering and I'm distracted, so here's my quick post of the day.

My best girls, my best friend, my best cousin (carrying my godson!), and a really cute that order. Happy weekending!


Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

Not the Poop Pump! How will you ever fill the Poop Tires on the Poop Bikes with Poop?

Cute pix, lil sis!

Enjoy your poopy Friday! It could be worse! You could ... um ...

I lied. It probably couldn't be worse.

Take comfort in the fact that, with this post, you have forever linked the most significant people in your life to the phrase "poop pump". (Bet Google has already indexed it.)

Carolina John said...

lemme tell you, glaven can tell some horror stories about the poop pump. it was his main job function before finding the "reference librarian" calling.

P.O.M. said...

A broken poop pump?
Not sure I can think of anything WORSE to break!

Sarah said...

At least you're cute! That's the plus right now!